
            I am having such a great day and by 11 AM, on Friday the 3rd, I have already sold 481 AUD.  My attraction ticket pitch is getting better and I have realized that it is best to just sell attraction tickets for the Aquarium, Wildlife World and Sydney Sky tower, since there are the closest attractions to my stop and are all fast track tickets.  When Richard’s bus pulls up he tells me that Miles has been calling me on the two-way for about half an hour.  When I finally pick up the call MILES IS FURIOUS that I haven’t been answering his messages and since Patricia is so busy at Circular Quay and needs me to assist her with sales.  My best start yet and I have to leave IMAX… sucksssssss. 

I hop on the bus at stop 20 and ride to stop 1 where Patricia is frantically printing tickets.  When I see her approach I am actually quite shocked at how she sells.  It is almost arrogant, and in some cases she actually insults the potential passengers...yet it works.  There is this couple whom she lists off the first 10 stops to, while counting with her fingers.  When she gets to the 11th, she gets the husband to use his fingers to keep counting.  Now other people are watching and by the 21st stop, the wife is now holding up her fingers.  Not only does this couple do the tour, but another family ends buying tickets as well.  In another case, she just ploughs these German dudes down by overwhelming them with data about the tour and actually openly mocks them and gestures to me how dumb they are.  Ridiculous!

At the end of the say she tells Miles how good I am, but Miles is still angry with me.  He asks me why I didn’t pick up the two-way and I tell him that it’s because I was talking to potential passengers.  As well in Toronto when I work at the North side CN tower spot, I have to listen to Shop n’ Dine’s two-way radio and since it is distracting, my mind unconsciously tuned it out.  I also mention that the volume was low and sometimes it is hard to understand what people are saying because of the static.  Miles is having none of it and yells at me so loud that Patricia and Lenny actually leave the room.  I don’t remember ever being yelled at like that other than by my father or by my grade six teacher Ms. Ram.  This really makes me consider having a CSS franchise or starting my own company by myself.  My entire life I have always had a tough time following the rules other people have imposed on me.  Sure most social conditioning is good, but some of it I hate.  Not just at work or school, I mean the world in general and if I had the chance to escape our world to be alone and make up my own rules I probably would.

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