November 21st

            Today I am going to go check out cell phones, or mobile phones, as they also call them.  First, on George St., I check out the different options and it appears as though I am going to be going with Vodaphone.  They have a pre-paid Nokia phone for 39 AUD and I figure this is very inexpensive.   The girl in the shop though barely speaks any English so I can’t understand the plan she is trying to explain.  She also doesn’t really seem interested in me because I am Caucasian, and I have noticed that the Asians here pay less attention to you if you are white.  At another store, in Chinatown, a younger Chinese guy explains it to me in fairly good English, although I can’t really understand him that well either because he has learned his English from Australians.  The mix of both accents is very distracting, but he tells me that I can get $150 worth of phone time for only 29 AUD.  He leaves me with a brochure because I wasn’t to read it over before making my buying decision.  I grab a mixed kebob, from 5 star pizza pide and kebob and head over to Paddy’s Market since I have heard it is a cool place to shop.

Paddy’s Market is crazy busy with all these little shops crammed together.  You can find anything you need here: clothing, electronics, toys, stationary equipment, sports memorabilia, sunglasses, souvenirs, army equipment, wigs, fake jewellery, real jewellery, etc.  There are also these masseurs who just wave you over for a one minute massage and are some of the greatest salespeople I have ever seen.  They just smile, wave to you and sit you down, although I didn’t get a massage because I’m not into that stuff.  My neck has been hurting me recently so I might take them up on the offer one of these days.  There are people everywhere too, making it hard to walk around the market to check stuff out.  Fresh produce is also available in a large area at the Southern end of the Market.  Some of the fruit is very exotic, for example some vendors carry durian, star fruit and lychee.  The price of vegetables is substantially lower Paddy’s Market than in the supermarkets in like IGA, Woolworths and Coles.  All I need today though is a combination lock for locker in my hostel.  There is a stand that has about 20 different kinds of locks, but I chose the cheapest one for 6.95 AUD, but I manage to negotiate the price down to 3.95 AUD because I tell the old Asian lady behind the stand that they have the same lock at another stand for that price, which is complete bullshit.  I also tell her that I am a psychic “Canadian lumberjack hockey pitcher” touring the globe for the “fairest of all hockey axes on the globe”.  She nods in agreement as she bags my lock.

In the food court on the top floor I grab some Indian food because I love butter chicken and korma and couldn’t fully enjoy my meal the other day.  So good!  One funny thing I notice though is that the Asian people here LOVE bubble tea and there is one on every corner, sort of like Starbucks in North America.  The main two chains off bubble tea, in Sydney, are Easy Way and Chatea.  Today there is a brand new Chatea opening on the top floor on Market City and they are promoting the brand by offering buy one get one free chai tea.  Personally it’s not my thing and I prefer coffee, but the line is about a hundred people long.  I wish I had my camera because I could not spot a single white person in the line and they look so happy when they get their tea.  Another thing that really gets me in this country is the lack of recycling bins.  In Canada we are obsessed with recycling, so we have both blue bins for glass, metal and plastic, as well green bins for paper and even compost bins at home for household waste.  It even costs 5 cents for a plastic bag in Toronto.   Australia could learn a lot about recycling from us Canadians, since there are plastic bubble tea containers overflowing from the garbage in this mall.  It saddens me inside when I see stuff not recycled.  Materials are finite and they will run out eventually, I mean once oil runs out we are screwed as a species.  As well this causes pollution and waste that will sit in landfills forever.  Littering isn’t an option for me either and there have been times where I have held a tin can for a few hours before finding a recycling bin.  Oh well, human at times can be very stupid creatures and other times geniuses.

At one end of the spectrum you have some of the greatest minds like Albert Einstein, Plato, Malcolm X, Marie Curie, Ghandi, Bill Gates, Galileo, Confucius and Winston Churchill. All of these people contributed a wealth of knowledge and ideas to our modern world and I get some of my greatest inspiration from some of these people.  The antithesis of these great minds is people like Napoleon Bonaparte, Genghis Khan, Kim Jong-il, Osama Bin Ladin, and Adolf Hitler.  All of these people, dictators, bullies and/or idiots, driven by pure ego only to add negativity, chaos and evil into society.  The clash of opposing sides will always exist, just like I have previously discussed in a past entry about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  I find it important though to recognize the contrast, not to judge it, but to see that it will and ALWAYS occur on planet earth.

While I am writing this entry, my 2 Aussie roommates, Kristy and Stephanie, are getting ready to go have dinner with their friend.  Their friend’s parents apparently own a restaurant in Chinatown and they are getting treated to a free meal.  The friend arrives and they introduce me to her and I greet her with “a nod” because I am too busy writing.  I don’t catch her name, but she is cute (high 6) and tells Kristy, “You rook soo a hewt!”  Stephanie agrees and asks me what I think.  I glance up from my laptop and check her out.  Kristy is wearing a VERY low cut strapless black cocktail dress, with red stilettos, full makeup and cleavage of glory showing.  On the inside I am thinking GOD DAMN and that gives me a hard on, but instead I just shrug and playfully say, “Meh, I’d look better in that dress.”  Kristy runs over and gently punches me in the shoulder.  I jokingly act like I am seriously injured and tell her I am reporting the abuse to the front desk so she will be evicted.  All 3 girls now laugh hysterically.  The Asian girl now tells them that they must all be at the restaurant by 9 PM or her parents will get angry.  Kristy tells them to go ahead since she needs to pack up her stuff since they are leaving tomorrow.  When they tell her she can do it later, she objects with the fact that she also needs to email her mom.  Kristy now tells Stephanie to order the food and by the time it arrives, she will be there to eat.  She claims she will take a cab to save some time.  Stephanie gives Kristy her phone and tells her to call her when she is done.  They all hug and kiss and now it is just me and Kristy…ALONE IN MY ROOM.

I am sitting here sweating as I type and my laptop is covering my boner.  I haven’t shaved in a few days so I have a small beard and I smell terrible because I haven’t showered or used deodorant today.  My breath is also terrible since I haven’t brushed my teeth since eating that delicious butter chicken and having a coffee from the internet café next to the hostel.  Next I shamelessly burb in front of Kristy as she packs her bags that appear to already be pretty much packed.  She is bent over too and I struggle not to look at her tits, which are bulging out of her dress.  My toes are twiddling around nervously and she asks me what I am writing.  “Mein Kamp: Part deux.”  I respond and she giggles. 

Now she sits on the edge of my bed and my heart starts to race.  This makes me get up, while covering my boner with the computer, and walk over to my locker and fiddle around with the contents of it for no logical reason whatsoever.  I hear her sigh and she asks me, “Why are you being so weird right now?”  I put my computer in my locker, plug the power cord in and reply, “Because you look so fucking sexy right now.”  Kristy gets up off the bed, walks over to me, and corners me against the lockers and whispers softly, “So what are you going to do about it, huh?”  Enough of this, double legged/praying mantis claw 180° wall slam against lockers and hard make out deluxe ensues.  She smells like kiwi and her makeup gets smeared.  What am I doing?  I feel her vag through her dress as I escalate in a very animalistic way, while she delightedly moans.  I suck her face, lick her ears and bite her gently on her shoulder.  Then, I pull her dress down expose her breasts.  Apparently she forgot to wear a bra as I grab her nipples.  What the fuck am I doing?  Next, I throw her on the floor and try to pull off her panties, but she isn’t wearing those either.  I place my hands on each of her thighs, spread her legs open and tell her I want to lick it (jlaix).  She says nothing so I proceed to eat out her freshly waxed pussy.  WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?  I’m fingering her roughly while licking her clit followed by spelling the alphabet with my tongue (jlaix again).  Kristy keeps fairly quiet while I do this, but her facial expressions tell me that she is thoroughly enjoying herself.  “I’m so glad I ditched my friends, they will be so angry but…” she stops to moan “…not as angry as your girlfriend.”  The image of Cindy crosses my mind and I cut myself off at the letter W.  I stand up stunned look at her in the eyes while make no visible expression.  She reaches for my dick, but I pull away, put on my sandals and leave the room.  Tears start flowing out of me as I run down the stairwell in the hostel.  WHAT HAVE I DONE?

I thought I had control, but I don’t:  I am no better than that guy at the casino pissing his money away at roulette.  No better than those people who don’t recycle their bubble tea containers.  No better than those dictators, bullies and idiots conjuring up chaos.  I walk for hours alone in the night regretting what I have done.  I will have to tell Cindy about my mistake and hopefully she will understand.  The full moon gazes at me shamefully as I hold my head low as I walk back to the room at around midnight.  I pray that when I open this door, Kristy won’t be there.  As I gaze into the room, thankfully, I notice no one is in the room and I quickly hit the lights and tuck myself in.

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