First Day of Summer

            December 1st is the first day of summer in Australia…although it doesn’t really feel at all like summer since it is DECEMBER.  While riding to work it started to rain a little bit and about half way to the depot, FULL TERENTIALL DOWNPOUR!!!  At the depot Miles and Noelyne were quite shocked at how wet I was and probably more so that I was grinning when I walked inside.  Noelyne asked me if I had spare work clothes and just to fuck with her I made a sad face with puppy dog eyes and said no.  She glanced over at Miles angrily, but before she could react I started cracking up and made it known that I was only kidding.  She gave me some hangers to dry my jacket, gloves, shorts, and socks in the washroom. 

On the bus ride to work Judy and Api were talking about cancer, after they said that the Opera house was lit up in red last night to spread the awareness of AIDS.  Apparently Barry had Prostate cancer a few years ago, but managed to survive.  Unfortunately it has come back even though the doctors “cut it all out.”  Api then goes on to tell us that his best friend’s wife has cervical cancer and her doctors have only given her a few weeks to live.  I was getting very emotional while the subject was being discussed and didn’t want to bring up my past.

Total sales:  535 AUD.  

Alex gave me a ride home in his van due to the fact that it was raining and also because he lives in Ultimo, which is right near Redfern.  Miles joked that Alex keeps a mattress in his van for when his wife gets mad at him, although when Alex opened the back door of the van, there was only a ladder in there.  Alex tells me that the Redfern Oval, which is the park right across the street from where I live, is where Russell Crowe’s football club the South Sydney Rabbits practice and that I should keep an eye out for him in one of the pub’s near there.  He has actually seen him many times in Woolloomooloo and has pointed it out to passengers, but they have never believed him.  After unloading my bike I thank Alex and tell him I appreciate the kind gesture.  

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