
On Friday I sold two 48 hour tickets to these two older women from the United States.  Both are old enough to be around my mother’s age.  At 1PM on Saturday the 4th, the younger of the two comes to thank me for being so helpful and praises me on how great the tour is.  I find out her name is Kathie and she is meeting her friend for drinks at the Star Room right behind my spot.  Kathie tells me she is from Hawaii, but originally from Ohio. 

Attributes: mid-forties, 6’2” in running shoes, blonde, glory rack, white teeth, funny, outgoing, intelligent, entrepeneuse.

This chick starts seeking deep rapport with me and actually starts touching me in very playful ways.  She also is giving me the classic “Indicators of Interest” like playing with her hair, scratching the backside of her hands, playing with her necklace, triangular gazing, etc.  When her friend Cynthia comes by, Kathie says, “Remember this really cute guy from yesterday?  He’s Canadian!  I have never been with a Canadian before.”  I tell them to go enjoy drinks and they go to the Star Room and get a seat on the patio facing me. 

Andy’s bus pulls up and when I tell him about this chick he lets me know that she actually asked him and another driver what my name was and if I was working at the same spot today.  Once his bus leaves, I glance over at the patio and Kathie is staring me down while playing with her drink (IOI).  

The last bus pulls up and ironically enough it’s Andy’s.  I hop on and announce over the two-way, “427 leaving IMAX…IMAX unattended.”  The bus doors re-open and sure enough Kathie gets…FUCK.  She is half drunk and sits down at the back of the bus, and since it is raining, all the seats downstairs are full.  I decide to stand and fiddle with my phone just to avoid Kathie.  Just to fuck with me Andy goes, “Excuse me sir!  By law there is no standing while the bus is in motion.  You will have to sit at the back… next to the young lady.”  Thanks dude.  Kathie now makes space for me and asks this little kid to sit on his dad’s lap.  They comply.  Once I am seated, Kathie grabs my hand and starts gently stroking it.  Anything I say, she mistakes for a joke and laughs (IOI).  At this point she actually leans in to kiss me…seriously.  There are about 12 passengers around us watching this go down: An older couple, two families and this group  of 4 or 5 Latino passenger chodes.  I tilt my head away, but instead of being denied, Kathie now starts SUCKING MY NECK.  Ludicrous.  This is probably the most uncomfortable I have felt in a while.  When we get to Circular Quay, the last stop on the tour, Kathie takes my phone and puts her number in and tells me that she is staying at the Hilton on George Street.  We hug and she blows kisses goodbye and when she has left I delete her number from my phone.

If Cindy doesn't contact me soon, I might take advantage of these situations I keep getting myself into.  I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

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