December 19th

I have completed reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  The ending is amazing and the afterword made me cry.  The three books I ordered from arrived by mail earlier this week and so I started to read Tao of Jeet June Do by Bruce Lee.  Benny, who gives me the “Larry David stare” every day as his bus rolls up (although in a joking way), has of course nicknamed me Bruce Lee.  Benny is perhaps one of the most jokes characters I have ever encountered and I can never tell whether he is being serious or fucking with me to have a laugh.  The 7th bus has been repaired and added to the fleet: 429.  This is 429’s first round in quite some time and Johnny keeps commenting on how smooth it handles.  One thing that really pisses me off is that he keeps calling me JAMES.  Not just today, I mean for the last 3 weeks, this guy has called me James well over fifty times, almost mocking me in the process.  I decided to text Noelyne: “Johnny keeps calling me James.  It’s getting really annoying!  I know we probably all look the same to him anyways, but do you mind telling him my name is Matt?”  Noelyne calls me and is cracking up and tells him that she will drill it into his head at the end of the day.

My first task of the day is to drop off some maps at Magical Memories, which is a photo and souvenir store sandwiched between the Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife World.  When I knock on the glass, the owner named Tim opens the door and is very thankful that I am giving him the maps.  He asks me how business is and I tell him that I just had my two best days on Friday and Saturday, doing $922 and $1410.

I arrive at my spot, there are some smoking hot biker chicks promoting the DVD release of The Expendables.  I take the occasion to hit on one specifically, but get eclipsed in the process by one of the dudes these girls are with.  This guy started to tool me by calling me short and I cut off his thread by laughing in agreement with him and calling him “my tattooed big brother on steroids”.  When this guy would speak, I would just talk LOUDER than him.  At one point I was even leaning on this guy, whilst gaming my target girl.  Eventually he just got sick of me tooling him and picked the girl up, threw her on his shoulder, got on his motorcycle and rode off.  The crew of other bikers and chicks soon followed and I saw their exodus as a symbolic one, almost to pay homage to the book I had just read.

By 1:00 PM I have already sold just over $800.

When Miles talked to me earlier this week, I saw it as a bad thing that he was giving me help.  After seeing how much this has helped my sales increase the last two days, I realise that I was viewing the whole thing in a quite negative manner.  My downfall is that I have developed this identity as a “great salesmen”.  While reading Bruce Lee this morning, one thing struck a chord with me:

“Establish nothing in regard to oneself.  Pass quickly like the non-existent and be quiet as purity.  Those who gain lose.  Do not precede others, always follow them.”

The men’s bathroom in Darling Harbour was severely vandalised last night and I am waiting behind some dude to use the handicapped stall.  This guy looks strangely familiar and after asking him if he in line, he confirms that he is waiting to take a piss.  I never forget a face ever, but I can’t quite put my finger on where I know him from.  Finally after he gets out of the stall, he puts on these white rimmed sunglasses and my brain identifies him.

“Dude is your name Alex?” I politely ask.
“Yeah mate.” He nods.
“From RSD?”
“Yeah it’s me.”

The main self-help company that has really helped me become a man the last 2 years is called Real Social Dynamics.  This guy, Alex, is one of the coaches in the company and I have read about 20+ of his articles.  Alex isn’t the main dude who has motivated me and most of that comes from jlaix and Tyler Durden who are the founding members of RSD (Tyler owns the company).  After being exposed to their work, I could never go back to being the same dude I used to be.  Awesome shit and I let him know how much he and RSD and inspired me to step up in every aspect of my life.  We only have 3 minutes to chat, and he lets me know that he is doing a free work shop on January 17th.

 Once I get back to my spot, I am gleaming with happiness.  This week I have noticed that for the first time in my life, I am able to control my happy state a lot longer than ever before.  The concept of state will be something that will I discuss in depth way down the road, since I still haven’t quite figured out how to regulate my own state yet.  State is basically your mood and when you are in the happy state, nothing bad happens. 

By 4:00 PM I have sold $1300.

Scott set the record at IMAX in November: $1825.  If I really focus on it hard enough I can break that record today.  Once I close a group of 6 Italian dudes, I am so close to the goal.  A group of 3 adorable girls walks by me and I yell HEY at them.  They stop and ask me if this is where they can get a cab.  I let them know that this is the spot to wait, since my bus stop is adjacent to a taxi stop zone.  While the girls are waiting these Italian dudes are trying to game the girls up, but the language barrier seems to block them completely.  The girls look bored and I tell the hottest one that I am more bored and that she must amuse me for 3 minutes.  She starts:
“Well we shopping yesterday and I bought these shoes and this skirt.  Then we went to IVY last night and got really drunk.  We’re all from Melbourne and we just finished Uni for the year so we are here to party, but we leave tonight.  I’m studying to be a doctor…” I cut her off mid-sentence.
“You’re an asshole.”
“Do you think I look hot in this skirt?”
“Where are you from?”
“T DOT.  Have you ever made out with an Italian before?”
“No.  And I don’t want to either.”
“Cool.  You’re so cute.  I want to buy you a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.”
“That’s so sweet!”
“Too bad you suck so much.”
“Fuck you!  I hate you!  DIE!”
“I love you baby.”
“I love you too.”
I go for the make out and get it, full tongue included.  Meanwhile, there are 6 Italian dudes and her 2 friends standing about only 4 feet away…SHOCKED.  A taxi arrives and her 2 friends have to peel her out of my grip.  When they finally succeed in getting her in the cab, she yells that she’ll come back for me.  The Italian guys give me mad props and tell me that I must visit Italy someday.  Benny’s bus rolls up and he gives the stare again, but when I return the stare more intensely than his, he cracks up laughing.

At 5:25PM I am at $1600 exactly and waiting for Lenny’s bus to roll up.  The happiness hasn’t dimmed all day and I am still focused on breaking the record.  At one point I even try to convince 4 off duty police officers, who are getting smashed at the bar in the Ice Cube restaurant, to do the tour.  Ultimately they are too intoxicated and when Lenny’s bus rolls up it dawns on me that today won’t be the day for breaking the record.  Lenny lets 2 passengers off to use the ATM quickly, and since earlier in the day I showed him how to print tickets for a group of 20 people who each had an individual pre-paid voucher, I can have the sale for the 2 passengers.  I finish the day with $1670, just short of breaking Scott’s I-MAXIMUM record.

When Miles gave me some pointers, I originally took it as a bad thing and it hurt my ego.  Instead I should have seen it as a positive thing since Miles does have 25+ years of experience doing this job.

When I get back to the office I stare at the picture of Scott on the wall and visualize my photo on the wall.

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