Daily Routine

6:30 AM: Wake up.
6:35 - 7:00 AM: Cook my breakfast, which is usually oatmeal mixed brown sugar and either sliced banana or mango; Brew my own coffee.
7:00 - 7:30 AM: Get dressed; Pack lunch in my knapsack; Put on my bike helmet and gloves.
7:30 AM: Bring my bike outside; Hit play on my MP3 player; Start riding to work.
7:31 - 8:00 AM: Ride to work.
8:00 AM: Arrive at work and punch in.
8:01 - 8:19 AM: Change into my work clothes; Fill out the bus and driver order for the day on a daily driver from and place it in my folder; Grab my ticket machine, strap for the machine, radio, spare ticket rolls and maps.
8:20 AM: Get on the first bus that goes to Central Station.
8:21 - 8:50 AM: Ride on the bus until Central Station; Take a nap/read.
9:00 - 9:19 AM: Ride from Central Station to the IMAX theatre.
9:20 AM: Get out at IMAX theatre where usually a few people are already waiting for the bus.
9:21 AM - 5:30 PM: SELL! SELL! SELL!
5:31 PM - 5:55 PM: Hop on the bus and ride to Circular Quay.
5:56 PM: Get off the bus, sit down and wait for the first bus that is headed back to the base.
6:00 - 6:40 PM: Ride on the bus back to the base; Nap time.
6:41 PM: Arrive at the depot.
6:42 - 6:55 PM: Count my money; Print shift total; Staple annulments, pre-paid vouchers and shift total to daily driver form.
6:59 PM: Unlock bike and begin to ride home.
7:00 - 7:30 PM: Ride home on my bike.
7:31 PM: Arrive home
7:32 - 7:44 PM: Change into workout clothes.
7:45 - 9:00 PM: Run to the University campus; Do calisthenics; Run home.
9:01 - 9:15PM: Shower.
9:16 - 10:00 PM: Cook and eat dinner; Make lunch for the next day.
10:01 - 11:30 PM: Check email; Read; Write.
11:31 PM: Go to sleep.

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